As mentioned in my last post, I've been working on editing a recent session. It's finally done!
So, while I have these examples ready to share, I thought I'd also address one of the questions we get asked most about our sessions.
What is included in a session?
A typical family session includes different family groupings and poses, some standing, sitting, walking, standing on your head - well, maybe not that - but you get the idea. We'll move you around, set up a few different poses to make sure that you have some options.

These are usually your choice but we will make suggestions. You want just the kids together? Great! We'll do that. Again, just like the family group, we will usually do a couple different posses of each breakdown - it's all about giving you lots of options.

So there you have it. We keep our pricing simple, no packages, just a session fee. You get a set of edited proofs and a disc with all your edit images. That way you can print and make enlargements to your hearts content!
As for location, we can pick a spot or you can - we're flexible!
Enjoy! And let us know if you have any questions.